The age of searching and what it reveals
Let’s talk the Fundamentals of Caring I never got around to watching this Netflix original but today with the world crashing around me I found the time to watch this movie. You would think a movie like this would find far more popularity than it has seen? The Fundamentals of Caring is not a rated PG 13 movie for a good reason because the reality it is trying to convey expresses a more adult underlining. When I say the British do it right sometimes I mean it. There is a lot of value you can get from watching a movie such as this one. Value that can’t be obtained anywhere else with a sense of humor that will make you laugh.
- The Fundamentals of Caring — Rules
In Fundamentals for caring there is a phrase called Aloha which each letter stands for something as a caregiver. It stands for Ask, Listen, observe, help, and ask again. A caregiver can only give care if they take care of themselves first and then offer equal or equivalent care afterwards. Ben is a man in the middle of a divorce as a writer who doesn’t have a job. He gets the caregiver’s certificate to help out a boy in a wheelchair who has a sarcastic sense of humor. If you think about the situation Ben is not trying to just help the boy he is trying to earn money for himself.
those five letters and what they stand for in society as well as I watch this movie that touches the soul. The first letter is ask which is important because most people do not ask others if they need help or even if they can find a way to help them rather they sit silently as they watch someone else struggle without thinking twice to offer. In theory, the next word fits in listening. Sometimes people just want to be heard they want to be listened to, understood, and find solace in their ways, It’s a six week course to get the certificate but the story is beautiful woven.
2.The Quotes in this movie are strong like the Rock “I remember us saying that we liked small houses, that proximity engendered closeness in a family. That nobody should be raised by a nanny or in day care. I remember us saying that time, not money, was the greatest resource. That everything would be all right. That the universe would provide. That belief was a force more powerful than gravity itself.” ― Jonathan Evison, The Revised Fundamentals of Caregiving I find this quote plays a serious part of our life like a design that we should follow or the piece to the puzzle that we never found for those thousand piece puzzles hiding in our closet. You know the one’s where we get aggravated about an hour into and want to chuck it all on the floor. Life is a lot like that in a way. We have this problem to carry the past with us wherever we go but if we remember the past does not define, and the future is wide we can change it if we make the right decisions. “If you are unlucky, your world will be snatched out from beneath you like a rug, and you’ll be left with nowhere to stand and nothing to stand on. Either way, you’re screwed. So why bother? Why grunt and sweat and weep your way through the myriad obstacles, why love, dream, care, when you’re only inviting disaster? I’m done answering the call of whippoorwills, the call of smiling faces and fireplaces and cozy rooms. You won’t find me building any more nests among the rose blooms. Too many thorns.” ― Jonathan Evison, The Revised Fundamentals of Caregiving If you think about this quote it’s explaining the feeling of giving up. The moment we stop caring, we start struggling, and begin our descent into darkness like Alice did through the tree trunk. But I think this story explains the way we climb out of this hole. It shows the struggles average people and disabled people have. In my eyes, It is a story that has the same sense of humor as shameless.
- If you haven’t read or watched this movie please do.
You can pick it up on Amazon, or watch it on Netflix. Emotionally the story will ride you through humor in dark times, and make you see a world you thought couldn’t be documented. The story has heart , and a lot of it. Now, if you like this movie or book go watch the series shameless as it has just about the same humor and intense feelings behind it. For me this movie came in hand right as my world has been falling apart. I keep feeling like a dolphin who keeps getting captured by poachers only to be released with another scar but I found this story said so much while displaying so much of life. It made me smile even if I don’t know how my future will go. But not to end on a bad note. I have tried to be positive by watching more heart warming television, and focusing on my story more. If you guys have any opinions on the fundamentals of caring please share. I would love to get involved with a discussion about it. You would never expect that Selena Gomez could do such a good job acting till you watch this. Anyways till next time lovelies