Judging will never leave society
Judge me, Judge you, Judge your cat, and Judge your soul. We are bred by society’s need to judge each other. If you judge people we fall into that pull of societal pressure to have everything we want given to us. I try hard to bite my tongue when I judge people due to me being no better than the cretons on the street. Oh I meant kittens on the street not people. The thing is the way I see it is we all have the same name for race: Human. Why do we refer to color of the skin as race when in fact it is not? We are a problematic society where people with glasses are considered nerds, and people without glasses are considered cool. A judgmental place where I can’t dance in the rain naked is no place for me, right? So, let’s get into the mechanics of why we humans are naturally inclined to make each other feel like shit for no reason. Believe it or not there is psychological reason for this. The reason I say there is a psychological reason for this is that our eyes will naturally try to read every word on this page even if I worded each sentence in an obscure way. This same principle holds true when we first meet someone. We can not help but perceive some form of judgement on a person even if we don’t speak out loud about it. It’s no wonder our brain is on the automatic judge central list. You can automate your thoughts or you can use logic to decipher why you are judging the person but in the end we are judgers. In fact, if you date back to the Salem Witch trials humanity has always judged one another. We called evil doers witches even they weren’t doing any evil. So we are naturally inclined to form groups against other groups which is why countries have wars. Ahhh….war won’t just go away. No. People are too stubborn for that unless a necessity of the Earth was disappearing. However, we can gloss over really bad judgements like judging people over the color of our skin. When did Race become the color of our skin, and about humanity? Our first problem is that the divide in our world is between what we want,and what other people have. People claim whites are more privileged but I don’t see the privilege as I live in poverty. I don’t judge the skin color, or blame the color of our skin. The Alcoholic had a problem like a person who takes snapchats has a problem as well. We are the products of our own design if we live our life trying to not let judgements determine us than we live our life trying happy. It’s true that the most unhappiest person is the one who is constantly comparing themselves to everyone else without thinking about who they are. My best advice to wash over any negative judgments is to rid the comparing yourself to what other people have. The only way you can get better is to realize that you must work on yourself first. Everything must start with you. Let’s get into the discussion of two important laws: Newton’s physics law that everything in motion stays in motion. So if we breed positive vibes we bring positive events to the table, and that anything that will go wrong shall go wrong so prepare beforehand. This where we see the start to understanding ourselves. If we keep judging people, we start to get jealous of other peoples, and sadness is a perpetual problem. If we live our life worrying about who we are and less about what other people thing we build ourselves into the highest being we can be. By remaining not in motion we remain in a place that allows us to not improve. If you find yourself in this predicament there is nowhere to go. It’s like being stalemated with nothing to rise yourself up in which is why people fall to drugs. Those addicted to drugs deny addiction like the world tries to fight back that first snowfall. They are stuck in between moving, and depression. If you live your life needing, yearning , and craving one drug it becomes dependent on it like people depend on judgments when making friends. I find the most likely people to use negative judgments are those stuck in a drug induced haze. They believe while they are on the drug it’s not possible to be addicted to it, and try to throw guilt at every person.It hurts the people around the user more than the user because the user feels no sense of wrong when off the drug. They feel empowered to make others suffer which is how people who use ill-made judgments do. They feel empowered making others feel bad about themselves, or feel less than happy with who they are. People live in misery because they want to. Happiness comes to though who see that even through the pain there is a fine light. But people who are addicts to a drug don’t think as far as all of that. They don’t see the money leaving their pockets, or the psychological damage being made. In a sense, a person who is judging someone in a ill way does the same thing. They don’t know what the other person has been through or how it affects other people. We live in a world of judgments and we deal with it because we know we are judgers ourselves. Some of us are better at pushing judgments aside and others are not. So, I ask you if there has ever been a bad judgement you made about someone? Share with me.