Joe this is a great piece. You are absolutely right. I think we can all agree that Halsey has said it best when she said “money,booze, cars, and women” won’t fill the void inside men. Although, she was talking about her former relationship. When it comes down to it no one likes manipulation, lying , or cheating. No matter the excitement during the moment, there will always be a cost. Men tend to think the more women they sleep with the better standing they are in society. The problem is once you cheat in a relationship , it makes the next one for the man to be a failure if he is the one partaking in the action because the other woman will never have his trust. Women can cheat too but the same is said for them too. In a society that is now reward driven there is no room for patience or hardwork. Sex is not just sex. Children are a real thing and I think our generation has forgotten that. Due to how many men and women are single handedly raising their own without a co-parent. Great job.