I also wonder if this is the reason we have such a hefty suicide and drug epidemic going on. I’m always curious if sometimes its just a bad life or if they got stuck into a certain life style they didn’t want and ended up realizing it just to fall. Or is just plain old not seeing a future. But then we see what happened to Chester Bennington who battled depression early on in his music career and managed to breathe. But after a certain person who had discovered him basically died he again found depression. Even though he was doing what he loves. But the question is was he really doing the music he wanted to do? I’m curious if he wanted to do more heavy music rather than soft mainstream music? But this is just a rant on the nine to five idea and how people who may even pursue their dreams might come to stuck position due to an over powering life event. But I do believe in chasing your dreams. I mean once you hit rock bottom the only way you have is either to go up or be falling even further down the rabbit hole.
Thank you for reading. Also, thank you for responding. ❤