Hello — you could use this idea to help you. “Let’s examine the record.” Let’s ask ourselves: “What are the chances, according to the law of averages, that this event I am worrying about will ever occur?”
Based on the law of averages an American hosted terrorist attack at concerts is a rarity. Yes it happened. But look at Sandy Hook and before that Columbine. The space between the two events are far and wide making it nearly impossible to it will happen consistently. By the law of averages before another event like this happens new laws or better enforcement will be placed at out door and in-door venues.
I work at a casino. The rate of casinos being a target are high but have we seen an event like the one above at them? Not yet. The problem is that yes people died. It is a tragedy. But we can not worry ourselves to death by thinking the same thing will happen at every event we go to. We need to accept that someone got his hands on guns that shouldn’t have, and as a country there needs to be actions taken.
I happen to live in the state with the toughest gun laws thanks to Malloy. He did one thing right at least. Anyways, If you need help dealing with worry read this — http://www.holistickamedicina.sk/kniznica/Dale%20Carnegie%20-%20How%20To%20Stop%20Worrying%20And%20Start%20Living%20.pdf