Hello Cristian,
I enjoyed reading this because you are correct. Not in the way that we hustle, or not in the way that humans think but in the way that our mindset dictates to us what goals, habits, thoughts, and pain we receive. In fact, we are individuals who often try to ignore our own pain rather than embrace. People have a tendency to create excuses for bad actions because they either get thrills out of hurting people or do not know how to accept what they did.
Honesty has always been the best policy. I really don’t care how much it hurts someone else but the truth will help others find release faster rather than complain about things. My boyfriend is being called a passive-aggressive dick by his friends who play magic the gathering with him. While they say this, I wonder how he got to that behavior. But it is not my actions that will cost him these friends but his. You have a great post, and I certainly appreciate reading these truths.