Hello Annick,
I am a firm believer that we should not be judging someone based on their physical features, race, or anything that a person can not change about themselves. People can change the country they live in , but they can't change the way they look, For me, Race is one of those areas where we can't change ourselves. We are born. In my eyes, Race has created and shaped racism. It has given people a reason to pick at each other for something they can not change. I can't agree with treating someone poorly over something they can not change. In other words, I am sick of father's who are of color having to tell their children years later that some police ( not all) will treat them differently. This shouldn't be the case. Now, we have higher hate crimes. Some hate crimes being against Asian Americans. If we rid the word Race out of our language we will be arguing about Americans. Just Americans. But in order for this ideal to be created we need to teach our generations that Race is a word meant to hurt you, segregate you, and put you in a box. But if we learn to not use the word and talk about Heritage we can learn to accept each other. But this type of change has to begin from the grounds up. Its not an over night change. It has to start with us. I am tired of hate crimes, and sadly I am tired of my friends being judged for having 'mixed children' where they are stuck having to explain that these children might face prejudices or be treated differently because they are not ' the same as others'. This problem is also reminiscent of LBTQ crowds who get judged for the people they like, and the way they dress, and the way they act. I don't agree with people judging others . But judgements are natural. However, if we turn the tides to accepting one another across the board. Maybe we will see less hate crimes, and less suicide rates. Its a start, right?