Can you believe this?
You know what I find funny about society that we can whine and cry over ‘ terrorism that only killed ninety four people between 2005 and 2015’ but won’t even look at the statistics of how many people were shot in the united states during this time period. A real shocker and kicker is that we are so worried about terrorism that our new president wanted to instate a travel ban because of it. Truly, we have seen 301,797 people shot dead during that same time span. Yet, we are crying about terrorism and how bad it is. The only terrorism I see are the people pulling out guns to kill each other on our own soil. Can you believe it? More people dead out of acts of reason than acts of unreason? Everybody has a right to stand and protest the travel ban because the ban is illogical in and of itself considering how very little people die to a foreign act of terror. Most of our recent acts of terror have been domestic if you think about.
So, why are you scared of someone that may come from an organization and harm you when everything we see is done by domestic hands. The idea of counter terrorism is more of an aversion to the destruction that we are doing to each other as it is. Our new president only acted our second most feared idea in the world- seeing another plane flying into a building and then another till we fear that every wheres in the United States is having this happen. How is it people are so alienated to believe that we suffer more from outward enemies than the one’s lying in wait on our own soil? Might I add that the three massive shootings we have had in the past few years have all been WHITE men. Yes. Top things Americans are afraid will disappoint you My first reaction to the number thing Americans are scared of as an American was to have my jaw drop. Apparently, we fear government corruption when the corruption is so rooted there is no pulling out weeds and saving us. Why do we fear what we already created? I find this a stupid idea. I don’t fear a government corruption as much as I fear a man walking up to me and killing me. ( I think a realistic fear here is death.)
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