Member-only story
A lonely island
Do you ever wonder what it feels like to be an island left in the middle of the ocean without being touched. You are forgotten, left, and lonely. Ships never pass you. Fish swim away from you, and the trees grow ever bigger. This lonely island is what I think of as depression. Its a compounding, and resounding beating of a lonely island.Which helps invigorate our idea of existential bummers in the world.
If I am a flower, every spring I rise, and every fall I die to be replaced the next spring by a new and prettier flower. Thus, creates the existential bummer in life. All things come to an end. Including the lonely island that will one day sink into the seven hells of the deepest parts of the sea.
“The streets aren’t made for everybody. That’s why they made sidewalks.” –Cookie
How do we conquer our grasp over the existential bummer? Do we cherish each second as if its the last? Do we sink into depression? Do we close ourselves off from anything that holds meaning? No. Some do. But most have risen to the idea if it hasn’t happened yet. Then it won’t happen. Just like our dreams. If we don’t reach them at a certain point then we won’t ever touch…